Hey! I've played like 100s of hours of hearthstone. I originally started playing hearthstone in March of 2015. Well that's my first card back :P damn is it a good one. Ragnaros
![Ragnaros Card back](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5d/fe/f9/5dfef9a43ec5fc1895c1f47018e34cff.png)
![Battlegrounds victory idk who as](Battlegrounds/Battlegrounds2.png)
Battlegrounds Victory
YSERA IS a difficult hero to play. It requires a lot of... jk. Ysera literally just goes dragon. Ignore anything non dragon try and find triples into 6. Pretty simple tbh. Hope for a good tier 6 from golden aka Kalegos is OK same with nadina.
![Battlegrounds victory idk who as](Battlegrounds/Battlegrounds3.png)
Battlegrounds Victory
Well this board is rather Unorthodox. It mainly revolves around Majordomo buffing the important minions :P seemingly it was grim early game I had no idea what to spec for so took majordomo. That along with the bananas from JoeS I was able to create a huge Nat pagle who then further aquired me a cave hydra which buffs MARVELOUSLY. 2/4 at tier 4 must have a huge effect and that cave Hydra does of cleave. Cleave+stats is god like and this carried me to victory!
![Tess Greymane Victory!](Battlegrounds/Battlegrounds4.png)
Tess Greymane Victory
Joe went to get water so me and Joe thought it'd be funny to que without him. However he didn't and left :( to proove a point I say you can still win and procedded to tier to 6 ignoring buying. This GENIUS idea left me at 4 health but I managed (being the first there). These tier 6 amalgondons allowed me to easily find the other tier 6s Harvest golems which then I buffed with Lightfang because menagerie is a good comp at tier 6 :p
![CAT VICTORY!!](Battlegrounds/Battlegrounds1.png)
Cat Victory
Cat is always a very SWINGY hero either you lose before even using your hero power or it dictates how you play. Suprisingly (considering this is a win unsuprisingly) I actually swung high. I first had a beast board which had 0 similarities. Found a golden which I chose a Kalecgos from due to it being a strong tier 6. Immediately afterwards I killed someone and took another golden minion! This of corse led to another Kalecgos which I then IMMEDIATLY pivoted into dragons with! Two Kalecgos lead to an easy victory tbh :P
idk lol>
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