🔪🔪 Patch Notes! 🔪🔪

Patch 19.4

So, guys Katie the best person to walk this Earth du Doi, is a bit of a gamer. Some of you may not know this so fucking EDUCATE yourselves SMH. She recently made friends with a pleb who played Hearthstone and having them around a lot led to them talking in her flat. This pleb played hearthstone a lot around Katie who did not see the appeal, but this is the story about how this all changed. Katie's companion started talking to Edmond who in fact ALSO played hearthstone. They had a nice long discussion about hearthstone. Edmond was pretty cool because he plays ultimate frisbee which this writer thinks is a really cool sport. Anyway, they complained about Elementals together and Katie who just wanted to eat food (nice homemade food at that) just accepted the conversation.

This conversation led companion to ask if Katie if she wanted to play Hearthstone. She had been watching companion play a heck of a lot of it with their friendos so she felt inclined to play. She was hooked from the moment she realised it was effectively gambling because it's 50% skill 50% luck. Often, whilst in the company of companion, she played this hoping to achieve a victory (1st place specifically a more in-depth of battlegrounds can be found below). Opting for numerous strategies she finally achieved a Victory with a SICK elemental board (probably) which then led to her being happy. For this reason, I rate Hearthstone 10/10 because it makes Katie happy (Occasionally)

If you are intrested in knowing more about battlegrounds as I am SURE you do be sure to click these links to get viruses. I mean get a better look into the game.

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